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Reflection Essay.

At first, I thought to create an application profile from scratch was going to be easy since all we needed to do only two new things/deliverables for this last assignment. But it was actually rather very hard and thought provoking since this is the first time I ever needed to make an application profile. When I was reading at the final assignment instructions I was like “this is an easy assignment”, but I was immediately wrong right after I read what I had to do for deliverable #3 and #4. I probably had to re-watch Brain’s Blackboard video on that probably like 10 times and email him a few times to finally get the gist of it. But, after Brain explaining it to me better over email, I got it. 

I believe there were two challenging parts when creating the Data Products Application Profile.


Challenge #1 – Deliverable #3. It was making sure my analysis of my domain was clear and made sense. Although I am studying Applied Data Science at the School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, I thought it was hard to identify which entities use what elements since technically all my entities supposed to use every element if they plan to use my application profile.


Challenge #2 – Deliverable #4. I was very confused and hesitant on this deliverable. I think it is my lack of understanding of what Brian wanted for this step because I thought he wanted one value vocabulary with two values. Although I did my own research, it really didn’t make sense until Brian explain this deliverable better to over email.

I want to thank Brian for helping all throughout the semester with the past assignments by giving me constant feedback (over email) on my work as well being very understanding when I got into my little incident this past semester. I think this class has been one of the most interesting classes I have taken during my time at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University especially the fact it was all online. To be honest, I thought this class was going to be my hardest class because my past experience with online classes has been horrible. But I actually liked that this specific class was online since it was a topic that can easily be explained over email.


Now, I know Metadata is more than just data about the data.




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