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This application profile is for data products specifically datasets.


There are currently a variety number of resources out there in the current inner webs like Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT), Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS) and CKAN Attributes.


I choose to work in this domain because as we all know, there are a variety number and categories of datasets out in the interwebs. One of the biggest struggles is being consistent across the board since there is no common metadata schema out there and that is why I develop this application profile. Also, this application profile is needed to help academic researchers, students, professors, and even the general public with their research projects, assignments, and possibly their presentations. The datasets that use this metadata schema will be free of charge since all of them are from everywhere in no specific category.

Data on a Touch Pad

© 2023 Data Products Application Profile. Proudly created by William D. Lombardi.

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